Siege Perilous

Just re-ordered these from newest to earliest.  That way you lazy sons of bitches don't have to scroll.  Bastards.   I'l get you for this!!  And your little Dog "A" too!!

The "Modern" Period

Roleplayers Pt.2

The saga of the roleplayers and UO continues.  I have nothing
against roleplayers really (although this strip raises doubts about
that) but I swear I'm going to go bonkers if I have to deal with one more
twit pretending to be a borg.  There's a reason why the sterotype of
the geeky computer game player exists. :)

Future of UO:  Created September 4th 1999

This is the latest strip taking us to the exciting year of 2027!!

Lord Ov Da Phat Rings:  Created September 2nd 1999

This is the first stip to take advantage of color options in photoshop.
I also think it's pretty funny.

Evil Inner Circle :  Created September 3rd 1999

Do not read this strip!!  It is only funny to people who read on a regular
basis the usenet group  It really wouldn't be
of any intrest if you don't.

The Early Years

GMs:  Created September 1st 1999

Satire.  I've met some decent GMs in Ultima online.  I've also met ones
that weren't so great.  After seeing pictures of GMs at a player meeting,
I became inspired to draw this.  Still crude.

Portrait of an Artist:  Created Aug. 31st 1999

I create software.  I never thought of myself as having any sort of
artistic ability. I still don't.  This srip reflects it.

Roleplayers:  Created Aug. 30th 1999

This is my first cartoon, and the genisis of this strip.  The coloring is created
useing colored pencils.  Crude looking, but it was a start.